Foreign Currency Account

Choose a currency

You can make payments, deposits and even withdrawals in either Czech crowns or any of
the foreign currencies listed in Česká spořitelna’s exchange rate table.

Hassle-free deposits and withdrawals

You can deposit or withdraw common foreign currencies at any of our branches. Less frequently sought-after currencies (CAD, DKK, JPY and SEK) are accepted at 15 designated branches.

Make payments easily while abroad

Thanks to the additional multicurrency service, you can make payments from your account in foreign currencies while travelling abroad or shopping on foreign websites.

Account maintenance fee

What currencies can an account be set up in?

  • Euro (EUR)
  • US dollar (USD)
  • Swiss franc (CHF)
  • British pound (GBP)
  • Japanese yen (JPY)
  • Canadian dollar (CAD)
  • Danish krone (DKK)
  • Swedish krona (SEK)

Tip: You can set up an unlimited number of accounts in different currencies or in the same currencies.
All you need is a piece of valid identification and to be at least 18  years old.

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