How do I make payments to other countries in George?

The same form which is used for domestic payments is also used for payments to foreign countries. On the Account card, just click on the ’New Payment‘ button. To send a payment to a foreign country, only these fields needs to be filled out in the form:

  • Recipient’s name: Enter the name or select the recipient from your directory.
  • Account number: Enter it in the IBAN format (e.g., BR18 0036 0305 0000 1000 9795 493C 1).
  • BIC code: If you do not know the BIC, enter the bank code and the country where the bank is located.
  • Amount and currency: Choose the payment currency.
  • Purpose of payment: In George, this field is marked optional, but some countries require that it be completed. If you do not fill in the purpose of the payment, the bank may request that it be completed or may reject the payment entirely and return the funds back to the account at their current exchange rate (thus the amount sent and the amount returned may differ). We recommend completing the purpose of payment field in English.

Purpose of payment must be filled in if sending payments to these countries:

  • Jordan – Enter the Purpose of Payment Code into the field (e.g., /0102).
  • Malaysia - in the Purpose of payment field, you need to enter the Purpose code according to list (e.g. 01000).
  • Ukraine – follow the instructions for private transfers of funds.
  • United Arab Emirates – enter the Purpose of Payment Code. Enter the code in this format: /PUPR/CODE/XXX, where XXX will be three specific symbols from the provided list. As of 1 January 2019, payments without the purpose of payment completed will be returned to the sender’s account.

Request the required information from the payment recipient in order to correctly complete the payment request.

When sending payments to foreign countries, we recommend leaving the pre-set SHA fee payment method.