Client centre
English speaking operators are available on the phone from Monday to Friday 8:00 - 22:00. Credit card blocking is available 24/7.
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Olbrachtova 1929/62
140 00
Praha 4
Czech Republic
Bank details
IČ (Business identification no.): 45244782
DIČ (Tax identification no.): CZ699001261
Entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Registered Court in Prague, section B, insert 1171
Reuters: SPOPsp.PR
Bank code: 0800
IData bod ID: wx6dkif
When clients receive telephone calls from the FSČS Client centre (e.g. within the framework of telemarketing campaigns, reminders, internet telephone surveys), the incoming telephone number is displayed to clients depending on the telecommunications operator: 956 777 755, 956 777 593, 726 111 755, 605 661 755, 776 991 755, 726 111 349.
In the case that a client calls back to the above-displayed telephone numbers (e.g. in the case of a missed call), it will be confirmed to the client that the call was from Česká spořitelna.
The bank has the statutory obligation to perform the regular update of the data of its clients. Use the contact details below for answers to questions concerning this update or for sending requested documents, including the KYC questionnaire for legal entities and natural persons – entrepreneurs.
956 777 533 (Mon-Fri 8.00am - 05.00pm)
+420 956 777 533 (from abroad for standard telecommunication charges)
In writing (best by registered letter):
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Zákaznický servis
Dobřenice 205
503 25 Dobřenice
If you are not satisfied with the previous settlement of your concern, the Ombudsman of Finanční skupina České spořitelny is available to you:
(for a prompt response to your submission, please include your telephone number, full name and date of birth)
956 717 718 (Mon-Fri 8.30-17.00)
+420 956 717 718 (from abroad for standard telecommunications charges)
In writing:
Ombudsman Finanční skupiny České spořitelny
Olbrachtova 1929/62
140 00 Praha 4
In person: available with prior telephone or written arrangement
For more information on complaints go to this page.
Technical support: 956 777 888 (Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00)
O₂: 726 118 128
T-Mobile: 605 661 128
Vodafone: 776 991 128
From abroad: +420 956 777 888 (for standard telecommunications charges)
Note: to use the automatic voice service it is essential to use a telephone with a tone option.