Our footprint
There are 10,000 of us at Česká Spořitelna. In terms of the number of people, our bank is equivalent to a medium-sized town.
Together, we spend 18 million hours at work every year. During these hours, we look after the financial well-being of our customers and our neighbours and strive to contribute to improving everyday life in our country. But in all of this, we leave our mark. And not always a positive one. Together with Jana Půlpánová, who is the founder of Envirostyl and who focuses on responsible lifestyle, responsible business and the state of the environment, we have prepared a series of podcasts. They highlight topics of interest not only to companies, but especially to individuals. What can I do, whatever my industry, for whatever employer? What all should I consider? We bring concrete ideas and tips on how we can help nature.
(Podcasts and texts are available in Czech language only)