Can I finance a cooperative apartment?
Yes, you can finance a cooperative apartment using a Pre-mortgage Loan. You don’t need any other property as collateral to arrange one.
Once the bank has registered its mortgage security, you will then be paying off the pre-mortgage loan through a follow-up mortgage with Česká spořitelna. This will be arranged together with the pre-mortgage loan.
The pre-mortgage loan can be used not only to purchase a cooperative apartment, but also to:
- purchase property owned by a municipality or the State
- transfer a cooperative apartment into personal ownership
- purchase property at auction
- purchase property under administration (insolvency)
- renovations or refurbishments of property which falls within specified criteria
- purchase property from a municipality and carry out construction, with the ownership of the property transferring to the client after the final building approval (occupancy permit) is issued
- refinance bridge loans from other banks