From January 2021, we have expanded
the method of authentication
when paying by card on the Internet

From January 2021, we have expanded the method of authentication when paying by card on the Internet

Under an EU regulation, from 1 January 2021 all banks must provide a higher security level when paying by card on the Internet; it is called two-factor authentication.

If you or your employees wish to pay in an e-shop for your or your company’s purchased goods from New Year’s Day onwards, use one of the below options:



If you are already using George online banking. You can then confirm the payment just with your fingerprint or with a scan of your face, or with a PIN that you set up yourselves.


For payment confirmation, you will continue to use an SMS code, and additionally, a five-digit unique ePIN code as a second security feature, which you will occasionally be asked to enter due to security reasons. You can collect your ePIN now via George online banking (in the PC version), or at any of our cashpoints.

The ePIN is identical for all your cards you have obtained from Česká spořitelna – it can be used for making online payments by either company or private cards.